Do You Need Help In Choosing The Right eBook Format?

I had previously been toying with the idea of creating a number of eBooks since the start of the year. I am now ready for blast off!

I have a number of titles already lined up and have brainstormed and documented my ideas, but actually starting the process of creating any of the eBooks has been a little daunting.

It isn't that I don't know what I want to include in the content. It's just the design of it.
I have loaded down so many eBooks for my own general use, and the number of times that I have loaded down a book, only to be so disappointed with the actual design are too many to mention.
I am a visual learner and it really puts me off reading the content, if it is not laid out in such a way that keeps me hooked..

I would like to create a great reading experience for my readers. I really want the format to be correct for the type of medium the reader is going to use.

I have found three absolutely fabulous resources for helping me with my eBook creations that I am going to share with you now.

  • How To Choose The Right Format For Your eBook  owned by Jonathan over at  Bybloggers
    Highly Recommended - Jonathan has a unique and humorous style of writing. His information covers
    all types of formats which include
    Kindle, e-pub, print and PDF.
  • How To Easily Create a PDF eBook That Rocks by Chris Byrne
    This post is written from the perspective of writing an eBook to give away free on your site in exchange for e-mail addresses - Great for building up your list. There are ove 70+ comments on this post and the Blog Tyrant makes the effort to reply to the majority of the comments made, including extra information and advice in his replies that adds value to the article as a whole.

  • The Ebook Editor owned by Chris O’Byrne
    This is a site which offers a full publishing service for those who have the money to outsource their requirements - Er... that is not me at this time! However I was impressed with the service offered and decided to include it here for those who want to ensure that they have a professionally formatted eBook.

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